During his appearance on the show, Stewart opened up about his cheerleading days back in 1932. He shared a hilarious story about a game where Princeton was defeated by Yale with a score of 52-0. Despite the loss, Stewart’s dedication to his role as head cheerleader couldn’t be undermined. He recalled how, after the game, he would lead the traditional cheer, “Old Nassau,” in the middle of the field. However, on that particular occasion, things took an unexpected turn when everyone, including the band, left, leaving Stewart in the field, overrun by people who stole his megaphone.

Stewart also revealed that he tried out for cheerleading in high school but didn’t make the cut. However, at Princeton, he finally got the opportunity to showcase his cheerleading skills. Although the cheers performed at that time were not as acrobatic as they are today, they were still complicated and required precision.

As the conversation moved forward, Stewart entertained the audience with a few cheers he remembered, like “raw raw raw” and “tiger tiger tiger.” The audience couldn’t help but laugh and applaud his performance. It was evident that even after all these years, Stewart’s energy and enthusiasm hadn’t waned.

The conversation then shifted to Stewart’s early days in New York City during the height of the Great Depression. He shared nostalgic memories of living in a rooming house with other actors, including Henry Fonda and Myron McCormick. Little did they know that the reason for the remarkably low rent was that the house was the headquarters of notorious gangster Legs Diamond. Stewart fondly recalled the times spent with his fellow roommates, reminiscing about cooking rice together and performing impromptu accordion concerts in Times Square.

Stewart’s amusing anecdotes and charming personality captivated the audience throughout the interview. Whether it was his cheerleading days or his adventures in New York City, he left no doubt that he had led a fascinating life beyond his acting career. As the interview came to an end, it was clear that Jimmy Stewart‘s talent and charisma were second to none.

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