Conan O’Brien, the beloved host of the talk show “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” made a triumphant return to “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon. The audience gave Conan a standing ovation, a testament to the enduring popularity of the iconic talk show host.

It was an emotional moment for Conan, who hadn’t been in the sixth-floor studio since his 16-year tenure on the late-night show. But any worries he had about returning quickly dissipated as he immediately felt at home and embraced by the warm and friendly atmosphere.

Conan took the opportunity to give a shout-out to his loyal friends and collaborators, Matt Gorley and Sona, who join him on the “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” podcast. Unfortunately, Matt Gorley‘s name was mentioned without Sona‘s, which caused a bit of amusement amongst the group. Nevertheless, Conan had an absolute blast and enjoyed every moment of his time on “The Tonight Show.”

One of the highlights for Conan was being able to reconnect with Quest Love, the renowned musician and member of The Roots. Quest Love, who is an enthusiastic listener of the “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” podcast, played Conan’s old theme song, evoking a sense of nostalgia and joy. Spending time with Quest Love and discussing various projects was a delightful experience for Conan, as he admires Quest Love‘s vast knowledge of television, music, and pop culture.

While in New York, Conan also had the opportunity to explore the city’s vibrant atmosphere with his friend, David. David, who hails from a small town, was awestruck by the towering buildings and modern amenities found in New York. It’s always amusing for Conan to witness David‘s childlike wonder every time they visit the city.

During their time in New York, Conan and David encountered the talented Kayy Quo, who was a guest on their podcast. Kayy Quo left a lasting impression on David, who happens to be a massive fan of hers. There may or may not have been a slight embellishment about calling security and having David escorted away, but it’s all in good fun.

Conan is no stranger to meeting celebrities, but he’s always excited to see them in person. However, when it comes to being genuinely starstruck, Conan admits that his college roommate, Eric R, takes the cake. Their conversations revolve around obscure topics like Lyndon Johnson’s press secretary and Dwight Eisenhower’s strokes. It’s a testament to their shared nerdiness and the bond they formed during their college days.

Conan is grateful for encounters like these, where celebrities like Kayy Quo prove to be down-to-earth and welcoming. It’s an affirmation that even amidst fame and success, genuine connections can be made.

As Conan concludes his appearance on “The Tonight Show,” he acknowledges that there is more to come. His infectious enthusiasm and sense of humor continue to captivate audiences, making him one of the most beloved talk show hosts in the entertainment industry. With each appearance, Conan brings us laughter, entertainment, and of course, lasting friendships.