In a recent episode of the talk show, The Ellen Degeneres Show, host Ellen Degeneres invited Paris Hilton‘s mom, Kathy Hilton, and her own mom, Betty Degenerous, to play a game called “Who’s Your Mama?” The game involved Ellen and Paris guessing whether certain facts applied to Kathy or Betty. The hilarious game resulted in plenty of laughter and lighthearted banter between the guests.

The episode started with Paris Hilton revealing that she calls her mother “Mama.” The game then commenced, with Kathy and Betty taking turns reading out facts about themselves. One of the facts revealed that Betty owned a Chevy Camaro, which led to some confusion as Ellen mistakenly thought it was Kathy’s car. Another fact about considering their best feature to be their hair resulted in Ellen incorrectly guessing it was Kathy, even though Betty is known for complaining about her hair.

The game continued with Kathy sharing that her first pet poodle was named “Puffy,” which led to a point for Paris and Ellen. They also correctly guessed that Kathy’s dream job was to be a talk show host after seeing her impressive closet. The game ended with Kathy and Betty each getting a point for guessing the correct celebrity who gave them their first kiss.

In addition to the entertaining game, the episode included heartwarming moments. Mama Betty shared her experience being an ambassador on The Ellen Show float during the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans. She described it as one of the highlights of her life and praised the resilience of the people of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Mama Betty’s adventure didn’t end there. She also attended the White House Easter Egg Roll with Mama Kathy. They enjoyed dancing, reading to children, and meeting President Obama and his family. The pair had a blast at the event, representing The Ellen Degeneres Show in style.

The episode also featured a surprise for Mama Betty’s 80th birthday. Ellen and her brother, Vance, along with other guests, celebrated with Mama Betty as they sang her “Happy Birthday” in Spanish and English. The heartfelt moment showcased Ellen’s love for her mom and appreciation for all the support she has given her throughout her career.

Mama Betty’s charm and humor have captivated both the audience at the show and viewers at home. Her appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show has left everyone eager for more, and fans can’t wait to see what Mama Betty does next.

Overall, the episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show featuring Kathy Hilton and Mama Betty was a delightful mix of laughter, heartwarming moments, and unexpected surprises. The game “Who’s Your Mama?” showcased the strong bond between Kathy, Betty, Paris, and Ellen, leaving viewers entertained and wanting more of Mama Betty’s adventures on the show.

In conclusion, the talk show, The Ellen Degeneres Show, continues to provide captivating and entertaining content for its viewers. With guest appearances from celebrities like Kathy Hilton and hilarious games like “Who’s Your Mama?,” the show keeps fans coming back for more. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes of The Ellen Degeneres Show, featuring your favorite celebrities and surprises from Mama Betty.