The Kardashian sisters made a dazzling appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show recently. Kim and Kourtney Kardashian, stars of their own reality series “Courtney and Kim Take Miami,” joined Letterman for a lively conversation that covered everything from family dynamics to their successful business ventures.

During the interview, the Kardashian sisters showed off their fashion-forward style, with Kim sporting unique shoes that caught Letterman’s attention. They discussed their various business ventures, including Kardashian Brand shoes, Shoe Dazzle, perfumes, fragrances, and their own makeup line, Beauty. It’s clear that these sisters are not only reality TV stars but also savvy businesswomen.

As the conversation turned to family life, Kim and Kourtney shared their thoughts on having their children grow up in the public eye. While they admitted it’s a constant struggle, they both expressed that they love having their kids with them and feel blessed to be able to work with them. They also revealed that the decision to include their children on their reality shows is something they constantly reconsider, ensuring they prioritize their children’s happiness and privacy.

Of course, no Kardashian interview would be complete without addressing the various relationships in their lives. Scott Disick, the father of Kourtney’s children, was a topic of discussion. They talked about his sometimes-controversial behavior and his recent visit to therapy. The sisters also mentioned Kourtney’s ongoing divorce proceedings with ex-husband Kris Humphries. Kourtney shared that she has been trying to wrap up the divorce for almost two years but has faced difficulties due to legal complications.

The conversation took a lighthearted turn when Letterman brought up Kim’s relationship with rapper Kanye West. Kim described Kanye as the funniest person she knows, calling him passionate and someone who always speaks his mind. They briefly touched upon the incident at the MTV Awards, where Kanye interrupted Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech, with Kim explaining how he believed another video should have won the award. Despite the incident, Kim expressed that she finds Kanye’s humor refreshing and loves his unique personality.

Towards the end of the interview, Letterman couldn’t resist mentioning Kim’s pregnancy. Kim confirmed that she is expecting a child with Kanye and shared her excitement about becoming a mother for the second time. While they haven’t revealed the gender of the baby, Kim expressed her eagerness to find out. She also mentioned her gratitude for not experiencing morning sickness, indicating a healthy pregnancy.

Overall, the Kardashian sisters’ appearance on David Letterman‘s show was full of lively conversation and genuine moments. They revealed insights into their personal and professional lives, showing that they are not just reality TV stars but also successful entrepreneurs. As the Kardashian empire continues to grow, it’s clear that their influence in the entertainment industry is here to stay.

Source: [Talk Show Name]