In a recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jacob Batalon, known for his role in five Marvel movies, discussed his new show Reginal the Vampire Season 2. Jacob rocked a rapper vibe as he entered the talk show, expressing his gratitude to Jimmy for giving him his first shot in the Marvel world.

The conversation shifted to Spider-Man, and Jacob shared his excitement for the upcoming movie. Although he couldn’t reveal any details, he hinted that there is a plan in place and that he, like any actor involved in big movies, waits for that important call that changes everything.

Jacob also shared a behind-the-scenes photograph from the set of Spider-Man: No Way Home, featuring Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire, and Tom Holland. He admitted that the moment still scares him, but he couldn’t resist capturing the iconic trio together. While Andrew and Tobey seemed to be caught up in a serious moment, Tom couldn’t hide his excitement.

Moving on from Spider-Man, Jacob spoke about his new role as a vampire named Reginal. He humorously mentioned that Reginal is not a typical vampire name, nor does he resemble the traditional vampire image. Jacob also revealed that filming the show involves a lot of blood, which ends up in some interesting places on his body.

When asked about the faux blood used on set, Jacob mentioned different types, including a corn syrup and rose water mixture. He jokingly warned against using one particular kind that is not safe to put in your mouth, as it may lead to explosive consequences.

The conversation turned to Jacob’s fascination with supernatural and monster-like entities. He shared a childhood memory of his mom scaring him with tales of a Filipino demon monster called “awang.” This tactic, aimed at convincing him to go to church, involved a threat to their nonexistent goats being eaten by the creature. Jacob found the story terrifying but fascinating, akin to the chupacabra legend.

Amid the lively conversation, Jacob admitted to having been a wild child, misbehaving during church services by spitting out the wine and chewing up the bread of Christ. Reflecting on his childhood antics, he hoped his future children would be more responsible than he was.

Wrapping up the interview, Jacob thanked Jimmy and urged viewers to tune in to Reginal the Vampire on Wednesday nights on sci-fi. It’s clear that Jacob Batalon brings his signature enthusiasm and humor to both the chat show and his various entertainment projects.