On a recent episode of the popular talk show, “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” the talented and beautiful Lynda Carter, who is best known for her role as Wonder Woman, made a special appearance. The audience erupted with applause as she walked onto the stage, showcasing her undeniable charm and charisma.

Johnny Carson wasted no time in showering Carter with compliments, proclaiming that the recent revival of the show Wonder Woman was well-done and filled with laughter. He acknowledged that the previous attempt at the show failed because it didn’t fully embrace the campy nature of the character. Carter, who portrayed Wonder Woman in the successful revival, agreed wholeheartedly, emphasizing the importance of having fun while working on a show like this.

As the conversation unfolded, Carter revealed that her journey to stardom wasn’t an easy one. This was her first starring role, with only a few minor parts under her belt prior to landing the iconic role of Wonder Woman. She shared how nerve-wracking the audition process was, describing the blank stage and the intense competition among the actresses vying for the role.

Carson couldn’t help but comment on Carter’s unique costume for the show, a red, white, and blue outfit complete with magic bracelets. Carter explained that the bracelets were a crucial part of her character’s abilities and even demonstrated how to activate them. The audience was captivated, intrigued by the behind-the-scenes magic that brought the character to life.

Carter also mentioned that the future of Wonder Woman as a series depended on the ratings. Fortunately, the show had received positive reviews and garnered high ratings, leaving her excited about the prospect of continuing her role as the iconic superhero.

The conversation then shifted towards Carter’s personal journey to Hollywood. She revealed that she originally moved to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of becoming an actress, but initially faced disappointment. Despite her initial setbacks, Carter’s life took an unexpected turn when she won the title of Miss USA in 1972. This unexpected victory indirectly paved the way for her acting career, leading her to auditions and eventually landing the role of Wonder Woman.

As the interview wrapped up, Carson addressed the misconceptions surrounding Carter’s newfound success. Many people assumed that she was swimming in money due to her popular television role. However, Carter revealed that starting out in the entertainment business comes with its fair share of challenges. She admitted that she was currently on unemployment and that people often don’t understand the financial realities of starting out in Hollywood.

Carson ended the show by expressing his enthusiasm for the potential of Wonder Woman becoming a series and commending Carter for her fantastic performance. The audience erupted into applause once again, applauding both Carter’s talent and the exciting possibilities that lay ahead.

It’s clear that Lynda Carter‘s appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” was a memorable and exciting moment for both her and the audience. With her infectious charm and talent, it’s no wonder that she captured the hearts of viewers everywhere with her portrayal of the iconic Wonder Woman. As the ratings soared, fans eagerly awaited news of the show’s future, hoping to see more of this incredible actress in the role that made her a household name.

Originally aired on November 11, 1975