In a recent episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” host Stephen Colbert entertained viewers with his trademark wit and banter. The show kicked off with a lighthearted segment about tax write-offs, as it was tax day and many people were scrambling to file their returns. Colbert shared some of the most bizarre deductions attempted by taxpayers, including one individual who wanted to deduct the cost of dog treats and toys for their office mascot. Colbert even joked that he had hired his dog Benny as the show’s accountant, making his treats 100% tax deductible.

Moving on to more serious news, Colbert discussed former President Donald Trump‘s criminal trial. The trial, titled “The people of the state of New York versus Donald Trump,” is a historic moment that could have far-reaching implications. Trump walked into the courthouse to face justice for his alleged illegal hush money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. However, the proceedings didn’t begin without a touch of humor, as reporters noticed Trump dozing off in court. His lawyer had to pass him notes to wake him up, leading Colbert to joke about Trump’s “terrible dream” of having to read something.

Despite the trial, Trump still found time to hold a rally in Pennsylvania, where he expressed his disdain for his day in court. Colbert playfully mocked Trump’s statements, highlighting his mispronunciation of words and tangents on unrelated topics. The host couldn’t resist mentioning Trump’s mention of Gettysburg, commenting on the historical significance of the battleground and providing a humorous rendition of Trump’s interpretation of the events.

In a surprising turn of events, CBS faced backlash when they cut off Billy Joel‘s landmark 100th concert during his Madison Square Garden residency. The abrupt ending of “Piano Man” left fans outraged, with many expressing their disappointment on social media. Colbert, self-proclaimed best friend of the American icon, jokingly addressed his colleagues at CBS, asking if they were having a bad day or if it was just the way they are.

With an exciting lineup of guests and Colbert’s trademark humor, “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” continues to entertain viewers with its unique blend of news and comedy. Don’t miss the next episode, featuring Solon Rushy and Shogun actor Anna Saai.