On a recent episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” Adam Sandler sat down for a chat with Jimmy Fallon, and the conversation was nothing short of entertaining. Sandler opened up about his longtime friendship with Jennifer Aniston, revealing that they have known each other since they were in their early twenties. The two actors first crossed paths at a delicatessen and hit it off immediately.

Sandler recounted the details of their first meeting, impressing Fallon with his incredible memory. He remembered what they were eating (eggs for Aniston, French toast for himself) and even what he had to drink (chocolate milk with a crazy straw). Fallon couldn’t believe Sandler’s recall of those specific details, and they both shared a laugh over his impressive memory.

The conversation then took a humorous turn when Sandler revealed that as a child, he had dreams of joining the military. However, his father put a stop to that idea by telling him straight out that he was a “pussy.” This revelation had both Sandler and Fallon in stitches, and they couldn’t help but appreciate the comedic twist that led Sandler to pursue a career in comedy rather than the military.

The topic then shifted to Sandler’s friendship with Jennifer Aniston, and he shared that they have been friends for an impressive 20 years. Sandler fondly recalled a time when his children, who were young at the time, asked him to call a famous person to come over. To his surprise, they specifically requested to meet Adam Sandler. Sandler couldn’t believe it and jokingly admitted that he had no idea who he was at the time. However, his kids had seen his movie “Billy Madison” and wanted to meet the man behind the character. Sandler was flattered and honored by the request.

One of the most amusing anecdotes from the conversation came when Sandler recounted a time when he was invited to dinner at Dustin Hoffman’s house. Sandler arrived a staggering five hours early because he was so nervous to meet the legendary actor. He sat in his car, too afraid to go inside, until it was finally time for the dinner. Sandler was relieved and in awe of Hoffman’s warmth and the dinner turned into a memorable experience.

The conversation then took a hilarious turn as Sandler and Fallon discussed their past experiences of playing basketball together. Sandler recalled a time when Fallon invited him to play basketball with his son Jake. Sandler jokingly recounted that Fallon and Tom Cruise thought he was the next basketball superstar because of his height. They teamed up against Sandler and Jake, but he assured Fallon that he doesn’t recall the game much.

But the laughs didn’t stop there. Sandler shared a funny story about an accident he had in bed, highlighting his sense of humor. He explained how he accidentally kicked his phone, which was next to him, and it hit him in the face. Sandler humorously described his initial confusion and the ensuing chaos of blood everywhere. It was a mishap that elicited sympathy and laughter from the audience.

Another amusing tale involved Sandler’s encounter with a nude beach while swimming in the Mediterranean. He decided to embrace the freedom of the nude beach but quickly had second thoughts. Trying to hide his embarrassment, he found himself playfully interacting with seagulls and ultimately sacrificing his clothes to them. It was a comedic moment that had everyone in stitches.

As the conversation continued, Sandler shared a couple more funny stories. He spoke about getting hip surgery and his wife’s concern about the possibility of the surgeons operating on the wrong hip. In a hilarious gesture, she wrote “No” on his right hip as a precaution. The twist came when Sandler woke up and discovered that the word “No” was accompanied by an arrow pointing to his private area, courtesy of the amusing surgeon.

Overall, Adam Sandler‘s appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” provided an entertaining and lighthearted conversation filled with laughter and funny anecdotes. Sandler’s charisma and wit never fail to captivate audiences, and his friendship with Jennifer Aniston proves that some connections truly stand the test of time.